Bunga rampai..at 1st I thought this is the least important thing in a wedding. But, guess I was wrong. Lepas bace this one bride-to-be blog..baru la saya sedar it plays a BIG role in a wedding utk menaikkan semangat kekahwinan seseorang (boleh ke ckp cmni?) ahaha...
So, i went out searching for the ingredients for the Bunga Rampai..will update soon ya!
Dah jumpa pewangi utk Bunga rampai ni. Penatnyeee mencari kat Jln Masjid India tu. Sebab I have no idea how it look like and how it smells like! And we went to this big Supermarket that called Haniffa. Sgt la grand ye supermarket ni. Semua benda ada! Kitorang tanya sales person kat sana semua tak tau ape mende pewangi bunga rampai ni. And time tu dorang bagi Air Mawar pulak dah. ishh..mcm mane la nk bgtau dorang ni.
Last2, kitorang gi naik tingkat atas..baru la the sales person tu paham ape mende yg kitorang cari. Its in a green bottle called Patchouli! And at 1st i was soo not convinced with the smell.. And after i got back..terus cari daun pandan to test on the smell with daun pandan. YES! this is the smell that I wanted!. Okeh, satu bende dah setel. Nnt time dah nk dekat senang, tinggal nak potong daun pandan je. Just nnt letak sikit2 je perfume ni sebab bau die kuat :)
My hunny bunny sugar plum..
11 years ago
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